Wellness Wednesday 12-4

I had a dream last night. Not the Dr. Martin Luther King kind of dream either. Nope. I’ve already forgotten big parts of it, but what sticks with me is that we had water in the basement and rats in the backyard. Big black and white rats that were looking up at me when I looked out the back door. I guess they actually were too furry to look like real rats, but you know how dreams are.

There was lots of other stuff going on in this dream, people coming and going, children, and more. But it’s gotten too vague to put words to. I was mostly just relieved to wake up and remember we don’t have a basement to get water in and there are no rats in our backyard. Certainly not ones that look at me as I stand at the back door! Shudder… not in a good way.

Anyhow. Checking in now.

  • Step count average: 6,020 Range: 4,550 – 7,260
  • Glucose: 129 – 144
  • Sleep avg: 6 hrs, 48 min
  • Weight: 164.4 (today. But I did see 163.8 one time this week)

Other than that, I’m just kind of wandering around life, trying to figure out where I am and where I’m going. I have been re-reading the Masters of the Castle series, which is a blast, so there’s that.

And – here’s the water in the basement and the rats in the backyard – I’m not doing better promoting my business. And there are some changes ahead of me in the next few months that make it more important that I do. And I feel less and less confident every day that I can do it, less confident that I actually have anything worth while to offer. So that’s where I’m at today. Sigh.

6 thoughts on “Wellness Wednesday 12-4

  1. I know you. Maybe not as well as some, but I do. I think that distance lets me see your picture a bit differently than you do. You ABSOLUTELY have an offering of great value to your community. I’m not talking about the blogging community. I’m referring to your professional community. Your warmth, your commitment to serve, your intelligence and keen discernment, not to mention your experience all combine into a very potent package. I know what you are trying to do. The world needs this Olivia. Great mentoring is so very rare.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, my dear Friend. Your words mean so much to me and honestly make me feel more hopeful. Really. And maybe that bit of distance between us makes me trust what you’re saying more, right? 💜 I am really grateful for this. 🌹


  2. Hi Olivia, rats ‘shudder’. Way to go on the stats!

    You most definitely have a lot to offer, trust your knowledge and instinct. We are our own worst critic.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Roz – we are our own worst clinic. You know how it is, rationally, I can think “Sure, I do have a lot to offer.” Sometimes, my feelings say differently…

      And yep, rats are just bad. Just bad… 💜


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