
My dear friend, Jade, left a comment recently noting that I need to carve out some time for myself, and fortunately, that was already in my plan. Next weekend, I’m heading out on Thursday night and not coming home til Sunday. I won’t have a view of the ocean this time, but I’ll be in walking distance from it, in a little cabin. The weather should be not-too-bad by then, and even if it were going to be cold and rainy, I would still be away. As usual, I’m not worried about covid – because I’ll be just as socially distanced as I am at home.

I’m thinking about doing my chakra cleansing ritual again, but more importantly, I”m taking my tarot cards and my drum. Yes, I have a djembe drum that MP has given me for my b-day, which is coming soon. I’ll take my sage and any other ritual tools that come to mind.

Writing this post sent me googling to see if there were any Wiccan celebrations for that weekend, and I discovered Patti Wigington’s blog, Outside the Lines. In February, there is this:

27: Full Moon — Quickening Moon, or Snow Moon at 3:17 a.m. Magical rituals in this cycle often focus on new beginnings and plans for the future

That certainly seems to fit with my schedule. When I click the link to see what the event is, I find lots of elements that resonate with me. It’s the time of year when we know if we can just hold on a bit longer, it will be spring. The color purple, my birthstone, and sage. New beginnings. This:

  • Perform a meditation to do a bit of self-evaluation. Do you need to rethink the baggage you’re carrying around? Maybe this is the year you make big changes? A bit of reflective meditation is a good way to gain focus not only on what you hope to achieve, but the path you’ll need to take to make things happen.
  • Do a winter full moon ritual, to to reflect on darkness of the season, and know that without it, there can be no light. Think about what brings darkness to your own life, and recognize that if you never faced the dark, you’d have far less appreciation for the light.
  • Do a meditation to honor Brighid, the Celtic hearth goddess. She is associated with the crossroads, and can be called upon when you need help making decisions or tough choices, particularly as they relate to domestic life.

I am not that big a fan of Brighid – actually, I don’t know anything about her. But I am a fan of the crossroads goddess, Hecate, so maybe I’ll do a meditation in her honor.

Of course, the area I’m going to is one of the places I had in mind when I was writing Runaway with Phoenix and Sir Simon. But I am 98% sure that I’m not going to meet my Sir Simon there, and it’s probably just as well, cause who has time for all that anyhow?

I will take my new toy, and who knows, maybe I’ll do some writing. Sofia and Lucas are still out there languishing. Maybe this is a time to re-connect with the eroticisn of “yes, sir,” and serving, being told what to do, and obeying. Maybe what I get is just the Sirs in my head and not in the flesh. {As I write that, I hear the faint refrain of “You can’t always get what you want…” as if it were playing softly in the distance. I”m not posting it here, we all know it’s true, but I am letting it play in my head all the way to the end of the chorus:

“…You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well, you might find
You get what you need”

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