Another Sunday in TCT

At some point, writing here started to feel like another obligation instead of the pleasure it usually is. I shifted my writing to my vanilla life, and that felt right.

Today, I’ve been sitting here for a bit trying to figure out how I’m doing. I mean, I’m ok. I’m not freaking out. I’m not depressed – at least, not in a “clinically depressed” way. I have some moments of sadness, a moment of rage one day. I know how lucky I am in my situation when it could be so much more difficult.

The other day, I had a thought that haunts me a bit. What would happen to us if we didn’t have internet access? It may seem inconceivable, but it’s not impossible. Who would have imagined our current situation? And if we want to dive deeper into the realm of nightmares, what if we lost cell phone service too?

You know, back in my youth, we didn’t have internet or cell phones. I was in my early 30’s before those things were common for many people. But I can NOT imagine it anymore, especially now. I guess we’d survive, but omg. I’m grateful for internet and cell phones in a big way.

Ultimately, when I’m able to feel centered and present, I come back to holding all of you in my heart. Breathing with this and sending love:

May you be peaceful,
May you be healthy,
May you be safe,
May you awaken to the light 
of your true nature,
May you be free.

7 thoughts on “Another Sunday in TCT

  1. I think we’re all realizing we’re in this for a bit, and that’s scary. Ive seen a lot of anger and projection on social media today. I have the feelings of rage and depression too.
    I also can’t imagine what this would be like without the internet. I once argued with a friend who was blasting the internet because it kept people from connecting. I wholeheartedly disagreed – I am far more connected with more people in a meaningful way than ever before. TCT would be exceptionally more directly without that contact.
    Thinking of you.


  2. Hi Olivia, it’s great to see you post. I think many can identify with this. There are so many emotions…fear, anger, uncertainty etc and we don’t know how long we will be in it. Some time yet I think. I too can’t comprehend life without phones and/or internet. I can barely remember life before them lol.

    Deep breaths and try to take one positive from each day.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Roz! I missed you… And yeah. There’s such a range of emotions. I probably could have left out that whole “what would we do without internet or phone” thing though…

      Definitely taking deep breaths – and there are lots of positive things going on here, so that’s good!! Hope all is well with you.



  3. Hi Olivia, glad you are ok. I am trying to get through this with as little stress as possible. Try not to imagine no internet or cell phones just cross that bridge if it comes. I didn’t think any of this was possible so there is a lot of the unknown out there. Hang in there as long as you and your loved ones are healthy every thing else is temporary. Be safe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol, but crossing bridges early is part of my skill set!! No, of course you’re right – and really, I’m not complaining!! We are healthy and fairly happy too. You take care of yourself -and yours. Hope you are well… 💜


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