I Feel…

I feel weighted down by the demand of other people’s needs. Not necessarily by what they ask for or what they expect, but just by the knowledge that they are there, needing an energy that I don’t always have.

It’s ok, it’s not a problem, I just need to say it.

In other news, I got some unexpected money in the mail today, which is always an amazing thing. Like a little miracle. I have plenty of places to put it, but still. Magic.

AND a decision I made months ago turned out to be excellent timing. Really excellent. Having made that particular decision already meant I didn’t have to wrestle with what the right decision would be in a suddenly sticky set of circumstances. No credit to me, it just worked out that way. But I’ll take it as a gift from the universe and be appreciative.

8 thoughts on “I Feel…

  1. Hi Olivia, I totally get your first paragraph too, yes, just the knowledge they are there, even if not asking you for something in the moment.

    What a wonderful windfall the money was and awesome that the decision you made turned out in the best way 🙂


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hurray for surprise money!

    And i hear you on the needing energy thing. I feel it – oh do i feel it.

    WHen things go your way because of a decision you made some time ago without you realising it at the time, thats the kind of thing that makes me believe the universe doesn’t have it in for me after all!

    Sounds like a pretty decent weekend so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re so right – it feels exactly like the universe was smiling on me!! It has been a good weekend so far, and I’m sure there’s still joy ahead of me! Thank you. 💜


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